cycle awareness | a wise women workshop
harness the power of your inner + outer cycles
Service Description
Shine light on your energetic ebbs + flows and learn to harness the raw power of feminine cycles. I’ll bet you are familiar with the seasons of the YEAR. I’ll bet you have an understanding of the different phases or seasons of your LIFE. I’ll even bet that you have an understanding of the 24 hour DAY clock called the circadian rhythm. I wonder, do you know that each phase of your menstrual cycle is a microcosm of these cycles listed above? MENSTRUATION - inner winter, the crone, midnight FOLLICULAR - inner spring, the virgin, morning OVULATION - inner summer, the mother, noon LEUTIAL - inner autumn, the wild woman, afternoon This is just the tip of the tampon applicator! There are so many clues appearing right before us, sharing with us a better way to live in harmony with our own nature, to have more energy, to feel like ourselves and to have a wildly, vivacious zest for life. You may think - that sounds nice… but I’ve got so much going on in my life and my body to try and figure this out. Maybe next life. I implore you to come, have a listen and give this a real shot. This wisdom and these tools hasve changed my life, the lives of many I know and as a woman I just know that there is something here for YOU as well. The best part? Expanding your understanding of your inner and outer cycles allows you to learn about past patterns, potential causes for physical + emotional challenges and heal pathways that have caused imbalance in body, mind + soul. If you are in your menstruating years, swimming in the river of perimenopause or looking at life from the high peaks of menopause this exploration can offer you an opportunity for profound reflection. As there is much to unveil in regards to cycle awareness, we’ll work to cover the basics and you’ll come away with wisdom + tools to put into action right away. Workshop is non-refundable - see event policy for details.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
EVENT POLICY With respect to the time and energy put into organizing, promoting and facilitating this session please note that payments are not eligible for refunds or rescheduling. All payments made for this event are final. Your understanding is appreciated and I look forward to seeing you!
Contact Details
cedarwood wellness
cedarwood wellness studio, Balsam Street, Collingwood, ON, Canada